Hospital Liquid Oxygen Station Operation and Maintenance Management

2024/03/25 09:21

Hospital liquid oxygen Station Operation and Maintenance Management 

In the context of new developments in society, the quality of residents' lives has significantly improved, leading to a continuous increase in the demand for medical services. This has also promoted the rapid development of the medical industry in China. Medical oxygen, as an important life support gas, is continuously being used more, and only with a safe and stable oxygen supply can the normal operation of hospital medical work be ensured. 

The centralized supply of oxygen through liquid oxygen storage tank centers is the safest, most stable, and cost-effective method. The Liquid Oxygen Station, as the storage and supply facility for hospital oxygen supply systems, plays a crucial role in ensuring safe and stable operation for oxygen supply work. 

Hospital Medical Oxygen Supply System Currently, there are two main methods for oxygen supply in medical institutions: centralized oxygen supply through liquid oxygen tanks and molecular sieve oxygen generators, and decentralized supply through oxygen cylinders.

Large and medium-sized hospitals generally utilize liquid oxygen tanks and molecular sieve oxygen generators to provide oxygen for medical work. However, self-made oxygen through molecular sieve oxygen generators often cannot meet the requirement of medical oxygen having a concentration of no less than 99.5%. These devices require high levels of daily operation and maintenance and have high initial construction costs, only suitable for remote areas where liquid oxygen transportation is difficult. The liquid oxygen storage tank oxygen supply system has the advantages of low construction cost, convenient daily management, large storage capacity, high oxygen utilization rate, and stable and continuous gas supply. Considering the actual situation of hospitals, it is recommended to use a centralized oxygen supply system combining liquid oxygen storage tanks, oxygen cylinders manifold, and backup supply through oxygen cylinders to meet specific oxygen supply needs.

One of our customer use our liquid oxygen station, there are two 10m³ liquid oxygen storage tanks – one for use and one as backup, totaling 20m³ in capacity. The medical gas steel cylinders are connected with two oxygen cylinders manifolds within, serving as backup gas sources in case of liquid oxygen station failures. Each manifold is linked to 5 oxygen steel cylinders to provide gas supply, automatically switching to full cylinders if pressure is insufficient. The outgas pipelines from the liquid oxygen station and oxygen manifolds are connected to various wards through secondary pressure reducing valves for terminal use. Liquid Oxygen Station Operation and Maintenance To ensure the safe and stable supply of oxygen in hospitals, it is essential to strengthen the operation and maintenance management of the liquid oxygen station.

Let's analyze the daily operation and maintenance of the liquid oxygen station based on the five elements influencing product quality – People, Machines, Materials, Methods, and Environment – from the perspective of Total Quality Management theory: 

3.1 People 

People, referring to the staff, are the main force in carrying out daily operation and maintenance management work. Firstly, all operators must possess job qualifications, adhere to the basic principle of obtaining certificates for operation, undergo safety education before entering the position, and can only start work after passing assessments. Staff should be familiar with the characteristics of liquid oxygen, recognize its dangers, and operate in a standardized manner. Two or more staff members should be present during equipment operation, responsible for data recording, operation monitoring, daily tasks, safety inspections, and liquid oxygen tank filling. Additionally, a dedicated safety officer should monitor the operation of the oxygen pipeline and the status of accessories, promptly addressing any damages or abnormalities. 

3.2 Machines 

Machines refer to the equipment within the liquid oxygen station. The equipment in the liquid oxygen station mainly includes the low-temperature liquid oxygen storage tank body and its safety accessories (safety valves, pressure gauges, burst discs, etc.), vaporizers, pressure reducing valves, oxygen pipelines, etc. 

3.3 Materials 

Materials refer to the raw materials for oxygen supply, which in the liquid oxygen station, are the liquid oxygen purchased from the supplier. To ensure normal and compliant oxygen supply, strict verification of medical oxygen inspection reports from the supplier's liquid oxygen tankers should be carried out before replenishing and refilling the liquid oxygen tank at the hospital. During the process of filling with liquid oxygen, operations should be conducted according to established standards and procedures. Operatives should maintain a strong safety consciousness and sense of responsibility, promptly handling any abnormal situations. 

3.4 Methods Methods in liquid oxygen station operation and maintenance management refer to the regulations and procedures. 

3.4.1 Daily Inspection Regular daily inspections of the liquid oxygen station should be conducted, checking accessories, valves, pipes, vaporizers, and liquid oxygen tanks for leaks, vibrations, or frosting, and taking prompt action if issues are found. 

3.4.2 Standardized Shift Records and Handover System Duty personnel should strictly adhere to the regulations for shift records, meticulously documenting various matters during the operation of the liquid oxygen station. The handover system should be rigorously followed to ensure no work is missed. 

3.4.3 Staff Training 

Organize regular learning and training sessions to continually improve the staff's professional competencies. Develop emergency response plans tailored to the actual conditions of the hospital, conduct emergency drills to enhance staff's emergency handling capabilities and safety awareness. Periodically assess the operational levels and emergency response capabilities of the staff. 

3.4.4 Safety 

Protection To prevent accidents and ensure the safety of personnel, safety protection measures should be implemented: Unauthorized persons should not enter the liquid oxygen station, no smoking or open flames around the station, and no entry without displaying no smoking signs. Liquid oxygen tanks should be registered and inspected according to requirements. If they exceed the valid period, they should not be used for production. When personnel are refilling liquid oxygen, they should wear protective gear such as cotton gloves, canvas gloves, leather gloves, face masks, and safety goggles. After working in a pure oxygen environment, personnel should not enter areas with open flames immediately and should wait for at least 30 minutes. If personnel suffer frostbite, they should be promptly treated, either through rinsing or soaking in warm water, and urgent medical treatment should follow in cases of severe frostbite.

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